Nesvizh Park

The creation of the Nesvizh parks began in the time of Nikolai Christopher Radziwill Sirotka. Then a small “Italian garden”was laid out near the castle. In the time of Mikhail Kazimir Rybonka, the Consolation Park was laid not far from the palace, which belonged to the” French parks”, and small gardens were planted right at the castle walls. A new stage in the history of the Nesvizh parks is associated with the activities of Maria Dorota de Castellan. In the 1870s, regular work began on the formation of a landscape park, which was cared for by a gardener invited from Poland, Daniel Betcher. Seedlings of park crops were delivered from the Berlin nursery and the Khominka forestry near Kletsk. Flower beds were laid on the castle ramparts, for which a special variety of roses “Marshal Niel” was brought, terraces and gazebos were made for recreation. Today, the green ensemble includes 5 parks: Castle, Old, Japanese, English, Marysin. Their total area is 66 hectares. Nesvizh Park is named a botanical natural monument of national significance.