Alba Forest Park

The name of the park was given in honor of the Italian city of Alba Longa, which was called the mother of Rome. Nikolai Christopher Radziwill Sirotka began creating Radziwill parks in the style of Italian landscape art of the Renaissance after numerous trips to Europe. Later, Alba was built by Mikhail Kazimir Rybonka in the style of French classicism. The basis of the planning of this period of the park in Alba was a system of ray alleys with views of the mirror of reservoirs, which opened up a view of huge spaces. Such a park composition was called a menagerie and was intended for observation and hunting of moose. The menagerie in Alba, the first in Belarus, was most likely founded in 1755-1758. Another feature of the Albyansky Park is theatricality – plays written by Frantishka Urshula Radziwill were played on the lawn surrounded by bosquets. During the war with Napoleon, the summer Radziwill residence was finally destroyed and looted. Only at the end of the XIX century, the ruins of former buildings were dismantled and the park paths and alleys were put in order. Only a system of eight channels with a round island, artificial ponds and ancient giant oaks have been preserved.